Monday, September 17, 2007

#1Need:More Readers For Your Blog?

One of my friends wrote me about BlogRush, a new service from John Reese.

BlogRush is a free service that was created to help bloggers solve their #1 need:More Readers For Their Blog.

By adding the BlogRush Widget to a blog, a blogger can get instant distribution for their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs.

BlogRush users earn "syndication credits" (the right to have their blog post titles shown inside a widget on another related blog) based on their own traffic (loads of the widget) as well as the traffic of other users they refer to BlogRush.

Users can automatically refer others to BlogRush via special links on the widget, as well as through the promotion of a special referral URL they are given.

BlogRush is a "Cooperative Syndication Network" that rewards its users for their contributions to the network -- from the impressions they provide of the BlogRush Widget to the referral of other users through 10 'generations' of activity and the impressions of the widget that they provide.

BlogRush was designed to be incredibly viral and to provide its users with tremendous distribution leverage to receive exposure for their blog content (onto related content blogs) that they could never achieve on their own; at least without a massive advertising budget.

Check it out and post your thoughts here in the comment section!

BlogRush is the brainchild of Internet entrepreneur, John Reese. Mr. Reese is the founder and CEO of, a soon to be launched social network and media company for entrepreneurs. BlogRush is the first Web property of the Network, a network of sites and services to help entrepreneurs and business owners succeed. is based in Orlando, Florida.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

What does Albert Einstein know about money?

Hi Friends,

Albert Einstein once said of success, “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

Albert couldn’t have been more spot on with this philosophy if he wanted to be...

You see, if you want to make ridiculous amounts of money on the Internet with a home based business of your own then you need to understand the rules of the game...

And then you need to play better than everybody else or at least as well. exactly is it that you learn the rules so that you can play better (and more profitably) than everybody else?

You go to an expert at making money. That’s how.

My friend, Nick Marks, has been making millions online for years now. Maybe you’ve heard of him and maybe you haven’t.

He’s not someone that tries to get his name in lights, rather he is simply someone that quietly makes a fortune (and I do mean fortune) online.

Think you could learn a thing or two from a millionaire? What if he took the EXACT system he personally used to become a millionaire...

Documented it...and packaged it in a step by step format that reads like an A-Z of success?

With that in your hands you would discover everything you’d need in order to become ultra successful and profitable yourself...

Well...that’s exactly what Nick has done. He’s just released his Automated Millions program which is a step by step diary of his success...

With his coveted methods and profit techniques outlined in great detail.

This is a limited opportunity though...because Nick has set a cap on the number of members. So you need to check out immediately, before he fills all the open spots.

With the way people are already raking it in I wouldn’t be surprised to see this offer off the table in just days.

Here’s To Your Incredible Success,


Monday, August 20, 2007

Announcing -!

Hi Everyone!

It's alive! is open for business. is a resource site for anyone interested in starting a home business for fun and profit.

The focus of is to help you determine if you "Have What It Takes" to succeed in a home business.

It is a fun and entertaining 6 question quiz designed to find out what works for you!

The really cool thing about the quiz is that you get your customized results instantly.

By the way once you complete the quiz and get your customized results I have a gift for you. I have written a special report titled, "How To Choose, Start and Manage Your Own Home Business" and you get a copy Free just for taking the time to take this fun informational quiz!

Check it out and let me know what you think.
